Nankunshen Temple


Annual Celebration Calendar

300-Year Anniversary Festival

Incense Blessings for the New Year

Lord Kailu

The Wentou Ghost Festival






The Wentou Ghost Festival

The Wentou Ghost Festival

Folk traditions treat July of the lunar calendar as ‘ghost month’ – a time when special ‘ghost lanterns’ are strung along the left-hand side corridor of the main temple to light the way for wandering spirits. The main ceremony is held on the 10th of the month, with five main dou (bushel) lanterns set out for the convenience of spirits in the vicinity. The worshippers who throng to make offerings here create a bustling, colorful panorama. The festival, following strict time-honored tradition, is presided over by the collective Kaiji Kings (the Five Lords) through Nankunshen’s head priest. Formal announcements are made, followed by the raising of lanterns on bamboo poles, the release of water lanterns, the lighting of street lanterns and the offering of prayers at temple altars.


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